Shown above and to the left are muff pistols with Ironwood grips, Mother of Pearl grips, and fossilized mastodon tusk grips,
OAL, This 2mm pinfire Muff pistol is based on a design I've
long wanted to make. On page 41 of Winant's book
"Firearms Curiosa" on the bottom right of the gun group photo is a
small, hard to see photo of my inspiration for this gun. Simple, yet European in style, it is a nice change from the Austrian and Japanese pinfires.
plated Steel, with part round, part sixtagonal barrel. Any of the
grip magterials shown on my other guns are also available on this gun.
Left: the tiny pinfire (shown in "Firearms Curiosa"), which is the inspiration for my Muff Pistol.
High Standard Pistol various grips .......... $550
With mother of pearl grips......................................$575
Glass top display box for High Standard pistol.......... $15.00