Pinfire Rifle:

Here's my long promised 2mm, pinfire rifle.  The engraving is cast into the stock, and is based on a scroll design I saw on a tiny rifle, snuff box.  The rifle, hammer, and trigger are cast - lost wax method - in brass.  The pieces are then filed, fitted, sanded, and highly polished, prior to the gun being completely nickle plated.  It has a traditional side, barrel lock, spring. 

It's Over All Length is 3-5/8".  Each rifle will be numbered on the underside of the stock, in front of the trigger

Price:   $550.00 plus shipping


The rifle is also available with a wood stock and optional bayonet and strap.

Above is the rifle with a rosewood stock. 

rifle_wood stock


With cast scroll engraved stock ................$550.00
With Wood Stock....................................$575.00
With wood stock and Bayonet and ...........$675.00
Display case for rifles are plastic boxes with clear tops, and are free.
Prices do not include shipping
