a gun I've wanted to make for a long time. The design is based on
that of the Reid Knuckle Duster. It is 1-9/16"
OAL. The frame is cast brass, and the cylinder, hammer and
trigger are steel. It comes in two models, polished
unplated brass, and nickle plated brass. Either model can be
hand engraved for an additional $150. The Cylinder, hammer and
trigger are plumb browned, but can also be blued, or nickle
plated. Although this looks like a revolver, it is actually
a single shot 2mm pinfire.
It is loaded by unscrewing the barrel pin and removing
the cylinder. If you look at the photo below, you can see
that there is only one chamber in the cylinder.

Because of the hammer design, this mini is sold as a NON-FIRING model only
Reid Knuckle Duster in Brass.....$575.00
Reid Knuckle Duster Nickle plated .....$650.00
Reid Knuckle Duster Nickle plated with Hand Engraving .....$800.00
Glass Top Case.........................................................$15.00